Sherri need 2 pieces….an island and a table. The island was to have a 44″ X 66″ footprint and the table was to be a rather large 44″ X 102″. All pieces were to be white oak stained with DuraSeal Heritage Brown and top coated with a matte finish. Because of the abuse a top gets on both an island and a table I decided to apply a matte oil-based urethane. While not common I finally found ZAR Matte polyurethane. I did my best to ‘wipe on’ this urethane but, in the end, only a brush would do. Turned out soft, smooth, and silky, so no problemo.
To summarize, the island was to have a sitting area, 3 drawers, and a storage area for pots and pans. Included was a receptacle with USB ports and under-mount self-closing slides for the drawers. The drawer ‘boxes’ were of curly maple finished with shellac and faced with stained white oak. The table top was to be 1″ thick with breadboard ends and, due to it’s extra length, was to have a middle crossover section. Many thanks to Osborne Wood Products for the excellent turned legs on both pieces and very quick service in getting them to me.
Both of these pieces are BIG so I had to do one at a time due to shop space restriction. The was island first. Note that these were made of White Oak, the heaviest, most dense wood known to man (slight exaggeration for effect:). Really, this stuff is heavy and dense so just moving pieces around the shop was challenging.
Since Sherri was close (within an hour of my shop) I delivered both pieces….the island was in 5 parts and assembled on-site and the table in 2. Fortunately there were contractors on site for the table delivery and they volunteered to bring in the top. You should’ve seen the look on their faces when they hoisted it out of my truck!
Anyway, all is done and Sherri and Herb were delighted with the result. And, in fact, so was I. The photos are below so take a look and judge for yourself….